Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry


Participants : Souriya Trinh, Fabien Spindler, François Chaumette.

no Inria Rennes 11369, duration: 20 months.

This contract with the Inria Robocortex start up in Sophia-Antipolis started in September 2016. It is devoted to provide our expertise in visual tracking for an application specified by Dassault Aviation.


Participants : Souriya Trinh, Fabien Spindler, François Chaumette.

no Inria Rennes 12597, duration: 8 months.

This contract with ABB in Barcelona started in September 2017. It is devoted to provide our expertise in visual tracking and visual servoing for an industrial application.

IRT b<>com

Participants : Hadrien Gurnel, Fabien Spindler, Alexandre Krupa.

no Inria Rennes 11774, duration: 36 months.

This contract started in October 2016 and concerns the leasing to IRT b<>com of two modules of the Lagadic medical robotic platform. Each module is rent 40 days during a 3-year period in the context of the IRT b<>com NeedleWare project (see Section 9.1.7).